Teen Driver Ed
38-Hour Driver Ed Course
The 38-Hour Driver Ed Course includes 30 hours of classroom instruction, 8 hours of one-on-one behind-the-wheel driving instruction, the OMV written exam, and the road skills test.
- Must be no younger than 14 years and 9 months and no older than 18 years to take this class.
- Every student must obtain a TIP (Temporary Instructional Permit) from the DMV before they will be permitted to take the driving test or any behind the wheel sessions. Please visit www.expresslane.org for additional details.
Register Now$650
BTW 8 Hour Driving Package
If you have completed the classroom portion of Driver's Education and need to schedule the required 8 hours of behind the wheel sessions.
- Every student must obtain a TIP (Temporary Instructional Permit) from the DMV before they will be permitted to take the driving test or any behind the wheel sessions. Please visit www.expresslane.org for additional details.